Rave Reviews

ravw reviews 3The reviews keep rolling in…

Individual Clients:

Amy, I very much enjoyed the segment.  Your “in the moment” feedback is the most powerful component of the session—as you could palpably sense and even hear the “a-ha” learning moments over the phone. Which was great!

— From Chief Diversity Officer, Aetna, Connecticut

Amy –
When people talk about the movie, The King’s Speech, and what Lionel Logue did for King George VI, I just simply reply, “you have not met Amy Kopelan!”
It was a comfortable evening and your steady hand made it so.
— Glenn Pomerantz, MD, JD, Former Vice President & Chief Medical Officer, Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey 

OMG You completely rocked it!     ‘Hi Amy – Here is the feedback on the presentation..Thank you so much for your coaching and advice, it definitely paid off and really did make a difference: “Amazing job this morning, and I AM NOT just saying this.  It was exactly as we practiced, great uses of the wait for it moment, good use of voice inflection to underscore key words – honestly, and I say this without reservation – that WAS THE BEST THAT I HAVE EVER HEARD YOU PRESENT.  Awesome, just awesome.” 
— Senior Healthcare Executive; (name withheld per contract)

“I owned the stage after working with you, Amy – and I was actually funny!”
— Tiffany La Banca, Former SVP, Global Internal Communications, 21st Century Fox

“You totally changed my presentation and now I’m trying to teach my team what you taught me.”
— Senior Executive, Corporate Philanthropy, NJ pharmaceutical firm (name withheld by request)

“After I worked with you, our CEO said my presentation was stronger than it had ever been. When can we schedule our next rehearsal?”
— Dana Leskova, Former EVP, Boehringer-Ingelheim

Producing Your Career’s “Executive Studio”:

“I attended your Executive Studio class yesterday through New York Life and wanted to send a personal note of thanks to you for a very informative class. I have attended other public speaking classes but did not gain as much insight into my personal needs as I did from your class. Thank you.” — Heather Howell

“Amy, you really hit it out of the park – you are honest, funny and most importantly, spot on! I have worked with many consultants throughout my tenure as the Northeast WIN leader, but few have compared to Amy. To say that Amy is expert at producing an event is probably an understatement. She is an excellent producer, and a savvy business person. She knows her material and reads and engages her audience like the pro that she is.”
— Robin Matza, Tax Director, Lead Tax Services, Deloitte Tax LLP “


Producing Your Career “Personal Branding” workshops:

Hi Amy,
I was in the audience when you presented to Bank of Montreal HR at the beginning of the summer. I wanted to let you know that I thought you did a fantastic job and were truly inspirational.

– Diane Bell, Bank of Montreal

“I want to thank you and Amy for a great Workshop!!!!  Katherine, you have been so great to work with in getting everything coordinated.  And Amy, everyone was very impressed with the Workshop and very excited to continue working on their word and slogan!  Thank you so much!”

— Shannon M. Sarcia-Carlson, VP, US Benefits, BMO Financial Group

“Amy Kopelan has a genuine, no-nonsense, approach to improve her clients writing, public speaking, and brand awareness QUICKLY.  In a few sessions with Amy I learned more than I did in any seminar, professional development course, or writing class.   I can not recommend her services enough!”

— Sherry Hecht Leonard, Horizon Blue Cross/Blue Shield of New Jersey

 “Amy, you were an excellent ‘producer’, extremely engaging and really evoked emotions! Many of the attendants (and myself) felt the session was engaging, thought provoking and very useful both personally and professionally. It was one of the few sessions that I have attended in a long while that really ‘sparked’ something for me. I was moved and motivated! Thank you soooooo much!”

 “I’ve worked in the Learning and Development world for the past five years so have some experience with a variety of vendors and topics that we have discussed at the firm. I definitely think that yesterday’s sessions was one of the better topics I’ve seen to date and certainly one of the most interactive and engaging sessions. Amy did an excellent job of balancing the conversation between those on the phone and those in the room and remembering everyone’s name and discussion points. I think everyone left positive and took away meaningful information about their brand and how they can use that to their advantage in both their personal and professional lives. Thanks for coordinating this one!”

— Three Networking Group executives from NYC investment firm (names withheld due to company privacy restrictions)


“I enjoyed the networking, tools and tips that the program provided. I’ve talked to three young female professionals about branding themselves and the strength of the program for this exercise.

— Bev Kracher, Creighton University

“Thank you for coordinating such an excellent class…words such as ‘galvanizer’ and ‘inspirer’ were mentioned. I have embarked on an exercise to solicit feedback from coworkers in an effort to help pinpoint a brand. Thanks again for an excellent experience…”

— Roy Krings – Union Pacific Railroad

“Great experience! “

— Mark Thiesen – Woodmen of the World

From La Guardia Community College:

“Your session was fantastic!  Besides being an incredible learning experience, your energy and enthusiasm is off the charts.  Thank you so much for bringing your talent, expertise and enthusiasm to our students.  It means so much to all of us and we are so grateful.
Thank you!”
— Susan Lyddon, VP Institutional Advancement, La Guardia Community College

From the La Guardia Community College President’s Society:

“It was a wonderful experience speaking with you on Wednesday evening. I’ve learned, I’ve applied and I’ve influenced. Thank you for your passion in helping students like me to have our voice and to be confident. We all know public speaking has always been a classic fear to natural human beings, but with enough training and skills, it can indeed be transformed into something beautiful. Thank you for your priceless advice.
Look forward to seeing you at future LaGuardia events.”

— Patrick Lavilla

“Thank you for taking the time to speak with us last night. I found it very fascinating that you see your network a set of many possible combinations of a personal board of directors. I also appreciate that you went out of your way to teach us the skills necessary that we will use for the rest of our lives, not just in President’s Society.”

— Marwa Abdalla

“Thank you for a terrific presentation. Your workshops are the most challenging for me, but they give the most opportunity to learn and grow. I would love to have more sessions with you. I hope to see you soon again! Thank you for a wonderful experience.”

— Vladyslava Solomiana

“Thank you so much for once again giving the President’s Society ambassadors a chance to learn from you. The role playing exercise was a great way for us to get a peek into how we can approach interviews in a more effective manner. One of the issues that I’ve had with past interviews was keeping the interaction going which can be a bit nerve wrecking when the interviewer isn’t reciprocating much either. With your help I feel I’ll be more prepared going into any future interview or networking event.”

— Kevin Jimenez

“Thank you very much for coming to LaGuardia. As always I look forward to seeing you and learn new skills of networking. Since the first time you visited President’s Society, I have improved my communication skills, and I have not been so nervous when I talk to people. I have already practiced what I learned yesterday and will apply it to my next event! I am looking forward to seeing you soon.”

— Ai Inaba

“Thank you so much for visiting us and sharing your knowledge on networking with us. In the coming days, I will have an interview with an admission representative from Georgetown University, since I am applying there as a transfer student, and your session will go a long way in helping me thrive in that interview. As I left the room, I began to practice my intention statement, my answer to the “what’s my next step?” question, the answer to what does my big success look like, and I also thought about what possible question I might have for the interviewer. In all, I appreciate that you took your time to teach us these valuable skills and I look forward to putting these techniques to work in the near future.”

— Joey Fernandez

“Thank you for conducting an inspirational workshop about presentation skills. I feel that you covered a semester of public speaking content, in just a couple of hours. It was incredible! You have prepared us with so many practical skills. I will be sure to practice all of them. Once again, thank you very much for everything.”

— Shuwen Long

“Thank you for teaching us how to speak in front of an audience. This is something I believe to be one of the most important skills needed in life. Your examples and detailed explanations will help us enormously. Thank you so much!

— Dara Karac

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